Trina the one listen
Trina the one listen

He has also showed reluctance to help students, such as when, in a deleted scene from Tori and Jade's Playdate, he delegated Cat and Robbie to tell Randy Bronson that he was expelled from school. Despite his job, he seems to dislike students who cannot control their emotions, namely André and Jade, seeming very annoyed whenever he comes into contact with them. For example, in The Great Ping Pong Scam, he bemoaned the fact that students always come to him with their problems, which, as Tori pointed out, is literally his job. Though Lane seems to be one of the saner employees at Hollywood Arts, though that could hardly be considered an achievement, and has helped students with their problems on occasion, he seems to be a somewhat lazy individual. When Robbie makes a joke about this, Lane angrily turns on Robbie for "sassing" him. His last appearance is in One Thousand Berry Balls where he applies a bandage to Cat's head after Sinjin kicked her in the head. On the drive back, Lane found the two kids sleeping next to a garbage can and confronted Trina about at this at Kenan Thompson's house, where there was a party that Trina had chosen to attend, only to have the door slammed in his face. In iParty with Victorious, Lane, to Tori's visible confusion, is going to see "MacGruber the Musical" with a friend and has Trina babysit Mabel and Wilson. He next major appearance is in Beck's Big Break, where he fails to help Robbie and Rex, and doesn't have another noteworthy appearance until he chases away the staff of The Wood for disrupting learning as well as forcing Tori and Jade to give Festus a ride home for accidentally destroying his car and forcing Robbie and Trina to work in The Grub Truck after they played a role in crippling Festus. Though Lane appears in the Pilot, his first major appearance is in Stage Fighting where he tries to have Tori confess that she hit Jade, refusing to even listen to her side of the story, and giving her two weeks' detention for it.

Trina the one listen